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Nordic House of Prayer Svalbard

“from the ends of the earth”

Nordic House of Prayer Svalbard

The Lord has made proclamation to the ends of the earth: “Say to the Daughter of  Zion, See your Salvation comes! See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him.” (Isa 62:11) The end of the earth… Svalbard is the northernmost inhabited place on earth, i.e. the northern end of the earth in a way, which I was unaware of when the Lord spoke “Svalbard” to me in March 2023. In August 2023, we went up for the first time with a team of 14 people from 5 nations connected to the networks The Torch of Prayer (Bönefacklan) and Norden 7:14 to pray and proclaim God’s Word and send out a signal in the spiritual realm that the Messiah is coming, like the midnight cry from Matthew 25:6. … first the Jew and then the Greek. (Rom. 1:16)


During our prayer preparations on site, Jack van der Tang, leader of Pillar of Fire, from the Netherlands, who was also present, received a message that the Lord wants to establish a house of prayer there. We experienced clear sanction in our hearts for this, which is in line with the Bible passage from Psalm 2:8, which we had also received before the trip. “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.


A number of recognized prayer leaders and men of God have with slightly different emphasis have addressed the importance of the Nordic countries and the northern end of the earth. We therefore experience this to be a mission of great importance for what the Lord wants to do and redeem at this particular time.


Below is an excerpt from a text written by one of these men of God, Kjell Sjöberg, in 1986 regarding God’s kingdom’s plan for the Nordic countries:


I looked, and I saw a windstorm coming out of the north – an immense cloud with flashing lightning and surrounded by brilliant light (Ezek. 1:4) Ezekiel saw in his vision of calling the glory of God. He saw God’s glory coming from the north. I believe that this indication of the direction is based on Israel. The glory of God will fill the earth, but it will begin from the north…”

“In the psalm [Psalm 2] that deals with the antichrist rebellion against the Lord and His anointed, the Messiah is given permission to claim the ends of the earth as his property as a strategy to counter the rebellion… The deliverance begins from the ends of the earth, and it will be completed in Jerusalem when the King returns.”


Establishing a Nordic House of Prayer on Svalbard is a collaboration between network prayer leaders and individual prayer leaders in the Nordic countries, but is led by The Torch of Prayer (Bönefacklan). However, it is not our work but a work of the Spirit. We believe that the prayer ministry in Svalbard will grow and when the right time comes, become a 24/7 house of prayer with people from all over the world attending. “Your troop will be willing on your day of battle… ” (Ps 110:3)


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If you want to support Nordic House of Prayer Svalbard

We put high value on your prayers as well as financial contributions 

Mark: “NHoPS”

Bankgiro: 124-7998

Swish: 123 0530 550

IBAN: SE87 5000 0000 0561 3103 8074

God bless you!

The Torch of Prayer (Bönefacklan) – Fredric Crona, kalmar, sweden

If you want to support Nordic House of Prayer Svalbard

We put high value on your prayers as well as financial contributions 

Mark: “NHoPS”

Bankgiro: 124-7998

Swish: 123 0530 550

IBAN: SE87 5000 0000 0561 31038074

God bless you!

the torch of prayer (Bönefacklan) – Fredric Crona, kalmar, sweden

© Copyright Bönefacklan 2025